Rite of Christian Initiation

Of Adults

RCIA is the process for those who seek membership in the Catholic Christian community. These may be people who have never been baptized; or someone who was baptized as a child, but never received any further religious training and never received any other Sacraments; or a person baptized in another Christian community who now wishes to become a Catholic.

Of Children

Our parish also offers a process called the Christian Initiation of Children, for children of catechetical age who are not baptized or who did not receive Eucharist or Reconciliation at the traditional age. The format for these children is similar to the adult process.

Re-Membering Church

There is a parallel process called Re-membering Church for those individuals who have received the Sacraments, but have either been separated from the church community for a time and now wish to return or have been a member of the community and now are looking for a deeper faith commitment.

If you or someone in your family is interested in further information on any of the processes described above, please call Pat Hunt at 487-6201.