Adult Faith Formation

Reconciliation is offered on Saturday afternoons at 3:00 pm at St. Patrick’, or by appointment.

Basic Catechetical Certification

The purpose of the Basic Catechetical Certification is to provide catechists with skills needed to prepare for the practical aspects of the catechetical ministry and to increase theological knowledge out of which one catechizes. It is also meant to encourage and enable ongoing, lifelong education and formation. This program will provide a history of catechesis, a contemporary overview of traditional themes, the basic beliefs of our faith and stages of faith development. Other aspects of the course include an overview of theology, scripture, spirituality, sacraments and social justice. This course will deepen the catechists’ understanding of our faith tradition so that they are better prepared to communicate it to others. The program is offered once every six weeks on Sunday morning for two hours.

Bible Study

The goal of the Bible Study is to use the Bible as a living document for application to daily life, and to attempt to understand the Biblical stories in their own context and then to apply them to our life today in the twenty – first century of faith. The format is an informal, reflective approach to a word study of the Gospel for the liturgical year which invites open sharing and reflection about the journey of faith. Each session which meets twice monthly (on the 2nd and 3rd Saturday of the month, from 9-11am in the Media Room) lasts about one hour. Our Bible Studies are based on the Liturgical Calendar. According to the Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy promulgated by the Second Vatican Council, “Within the cycle of a year. . . (the Church) unfolds the whole mystery of Christ, not only from his incarnation and birth until his ascension, but also as reflected in the day of Pentecost, and the expectation of a blessed, hoped-for return of the Lord.”

Formation For Ministry

Formation For Ministry is a two year program of education, ministerial training, field experience and spiritual preparation of adult Catholics leading to commissioning by the Bishop and Diocesan Certification in a specialized area of ministry. Commissioned lay ministers then usually volunteer three years of service in the Diocese. It is for women and men who are mature, people of faith, and willing to accept responsibility for ministry in the Church. Each candidate must be recommended and sponsored by their pastor or a director of a Diocesan institution.